
Simple Homemade Kimchi

1/2 cup coarse sea salt or kosher salt
8 cups water
1 large head of Napa cabbage, chopped
4 large cloves of garlic, separated and peeled
1 2-inch piece of ginger root
1/8 cup fish sauce
2 large Beauty Heart radishes, thinly sliced
4-5 scallions, cut into 1-inch pieces
1/4 cup Korean chili powder
1 teaspoon sugar
1-2 T whey (optional -- though whey aids in the fermentation process and allows the kimchi to be kept for a more extended period of time)
Optional, but also delicious:  add grated carrots, sesame seeds, or chopped mustard greens to the kimchi mixture.

Dissolve salt in water. Soak chopped cabbage in salt water for 3-4 hours, placing a plate or bowl on top of the cabbage to keep it submerged.

Combine garlic, ginger and fish sauce in food processor or blender until finely minced.

In large bowl, combine radishes, scallions, garlic mixture, chili powder, sugar and remaining 1 T of salt. Toss gently but until well combined. You may want to wear gloves if tossing by hand to avoid chili burn.

Remove cabbage from water and rinse and put in a colander to drain, squeezing the leaves to get out as much water as possible. Add cabbage and whey (if using) to radish mixture and stir until combined. Place cabbage into a 1/2 gallon jar, pushing down to eliminate air bubbles. Cover.

Store in a cool place for 2-3 days to begin the fermentation process. Refrigerate after opening. Kimchi will continue to ferment, and as it does the flavor will grow stronger.  It will keep indefinitely if refrigerated, though it is best to use within 2-3 months.

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1 comment:

  1. I adore kimichi, and my husband just planted some cabbage in our garden. I'm bookmarking this so we can make our own when our cabbage comes in! Thank you so much for sharing! Have a good Sunday afternoon.
