Porcini Roasted Chicken

Porcini Roasted Chicken

1 T olive oil
4 T garlic, minced
1 t salt
2 t ground dried porcini
3 T dry white wine
1 5-6 lb roasting chicken

Preheat oven to 450.

Combine olive oil, garlic, salt and porcini dust and wine to make a paste. Set aside.

Remove the giblets and neck, save to make stock or discard (if that's the way you roll). Pat chicken dry and trim any excess fat. Starting at the neck cavity, loosen skin from breast and legs by inserting fingers and gently pushing between the skin and meat. Pour the porcini mixture under the skin on the breast and legs and thighs. Rub any extra porcini mixture over the outside of the bird. Tuck wings behind the back.

Place the chicken breast side up in a roasting pan. Insert meat thermometer into meaty part of thigh, making sure not to touch bone. Bake at 450 for 30 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 and bake an additional 1 hour and 15 minutes or until termometer registers 165.

Place chicken on a serving platter and let rest 10-15 minutes before serving.

Optional: Cook chicken atop quartered potatoes and turnips for a delicious side dish.

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  1. Isn't it amazing what a little porcini dust will do? Such a small amount can add so much flavor! This roast chicken looks like a wonderful meal. I am drooling and craving protein now! Thank you for sharing with me, week after week. Sending love and good thoughts your way!

    PS. As a child, I had severe lung problems that developed into a slight heart condition...it was a long and difficult journey, but I am now in great health, praise God!

  2. Oh my. This looks amazing! We are big fans of roasted chicken and will be adding this to our list of possible ways to prepare.
