Spring Scallop Tacos

Spring Scallop Tacos
(printable recipe)
serves 4 (2 tacos each)

24 large sea scallops
zest of 1 lime
3 T olive oil
3 T lime juice
3 cloves garlic

2 cucumbers, sliced lengthwise, seeded and shredded
pinch of salt
3 T chopped cilantro

8 flour tortillas
Strawberry Salsa 

First, shred cucumber.  Toss with salt and set aside to drain in a fine strainer for 1/2 hour.  When cucumber is drained, toss with chopped cilantro and set aside.

Mix together lime zest, olive oil, lime juice, and garlic.  Marinate scallops for 15-20 minutes before cooking.

To cook:  Prepare charcoal grill.  Grill scallops over medium high heat with grill closed for 5-6 minutes, turning once.

To assemble tacos, divide cucumber among tortillas. Top with 3 scallops and a dollop of strawberry salsa. Serve.

Alternatively, use thinly sliced red or green cabbage rather than shredded cucumber to give the tacos both some color and crunch!


  1. What a great way to enjoy scallops! I've never seen this before, but it looks so very good! Thank you for sharing with me today. I hope you are having a happy Monday! Much love and blessings from Austin!

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